With 36 affiliated movements, some almost 100 years old and others very new, Europe is a diverse region. A recent survey found that very few movements were regularly seeing students come to know Christ. It was an indication of the widespread spiritual decline Europe has witnessed in this generation. In response, IFES national movements are working together to support one another in evangelism, by sharing resources, experience and training evangelists. And IFES InterAction, a 1-2 year volunteer program, also recruits, trains, and sends cross-cultural workers for student ministry around Europe.
The region is in a time of significant change. Conversations surrounding sexuality, mental health, immigration and freedom of speech have spread across campuses throughout the continent. IFES national movements are seeking to equip their students and graduates to engage in these conversations with cultural sensitivity and a biblical worldview.
Catch up with student ministry news from around Europe
Upcoming events in Europe

Events, meet ups and more
Explore upcoming online and in-person events to inspire and equip national movement staff and students across our region.

European Student Festival - Kingdom Come
An opportunity for students from over 40 European countries to gather in Jelgava, Latvia on August 16-21, 2025, for a life-changing summer break.
- Andorra
AustriaÖSMÖsterreichische StudentenmissionGeneral Secretary:Thomas Hagmueller
BelgiumIchtusIchtusGeneral Secretary:Sem ThomasGBUGroupes Bibliques UniversitairesGeneral Secretary:Alexandre Manlow
Bosnia and Herzegovina
BulgariaBCSUBulgarian Christian Student UnionGeneral Secretary:Desislava Kisyakova
CroatiaSTEPStudentski Evandeoski PokretActing General Secretary:Jasmin Avdagic
Czech RepublicUKHUniverzitni Krestanske HnutiGeneral Secretary:Tomas Uher
DenmarkKFSKristeligt Forbund for StuderendeGeneral Secretary:Jakob Højlund
EstoniaEEÜÜEesti Evangeelsete Üliõpilaste ÜhendusGeneral:Eleri Soidla
Faroe IslandsKFS FøroyarKristiligur Felagsskapur fyri Skúlaungdóm og lesandiGeneral Secretary:Ragnhard Petersen
FinlandOPKOOpiskelija ja Koululaislähetys – Finlands Student-och SkolungdomsmissionGeneral Secretary:Jussi Miettinen
FranceGBUGroupes Bibliques UniversitairesGeneral Secretary:Yohann Tourne
GermanySMDStudentenmission in DeutschlandGeneral Secretary:Volker Roggenkamp
Great BritainUCCFUniversities and Colleges Christian FellowshipChief Executive Officer:Matt Lillicrap
GreeceSXEFSXEF GreeceGeneral Secretary:Grigoris Karasaridis
GreenlandKFSKristeligt Forbund for StuderendeActing General Secretary:Kristina Rosing Kreutzmann
HungaryMEKDSZMagyar Evangéliumi Keresztyén DiákszövetségGeneral Secretary:Fanni Rab
IrelandChristian UnionsChristian Unions IrelandGeneral Secretary:Chris McBurney
ItalyGBUGruppi Biblici UniversitariGeneral Secretary:Johan Soderkvist
LatviaLKSBLatvijas Kristīgā Studentu BrālībaGeneral Secretary:Ulvis Kravalis
- Liechtenstein
LithuaniaLKSBLietuvos krikščionių studentų bendrijaGeneral Secretary:Sigita Makčinskienė
- Malta
MontenegroEUSEvanđeosko udruženje studenata Crne GoreGeneral Secretary:Danijel Petkovski
NetherlandsIFES NederlandIFES-NederlandGeneral Secretary:Annemiek Stam
North MacedoniaSEAMStudent Evangelical Association of MacedoniaGeneral Secretary:Katerina Koleva
NorwayNKSSNorges Kristelige Student - og SkoleungdomslagGeneral Secretary:Karl-Johan Kjøde
PolandChSAChrześcijańskie Stowarzyszenie AkademickieMain Contact:Maciej Białecki
PortugalGBUGrupo Bíblico UniversitárioGeneral Secretary:Manuel Rainho
RomaniaOSCEROrganizația Studenților Creștini Evanghelici din RomâniaGeneral Secretary:Diana Moraru
SerbiaEUSEvandeosko Udruzenje StudenataGeneral Secretary:Samuil Petrovski
SlovakiaVBHVysokoškolské Biblické HnutieGeneral Secretary:Graham Leeder
SloveniaZVEŠZveza evangelijskih študentov SlovenijeGeneral Secretary:Lydia Adams
SpainGBUFederación de Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios de EspañaGeneral Secretary:Joaquín Hernández
SwedenCredoSveriges evangeliska student- och gymnasiströrelseGeneral Secretary:Lasse Axelsson
SwitzerlandGBEUGroupes Bibliques des Ecoles et UniversitésGeneral Secretary:Colin DonaldsonVBGVereinigte Bibelgruppen in Schule Universität BerufGeneral Secretary:Lukas Wellauer
UkraineCCXСпівдружність Cтудентів-XристиянGeneral Secretary:Mykhaylo Melnikov

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Europe Snapshots
- 19.6million tertiary students
- 200+mission weeks in 2019
- 5Pioneering movements
- 36Affiliated movements
Regional Staff Team
- Francina de PaterAssociate Regional Secretary
- Christian PichlerAssociate Regional Secretary
- Craig WeyrensAssociate Regional Secretary
- Lorna MooreRegional Team Administrator and PA to Regional Secretary