World Assembly participants share their reflections
1,100 participants. 170 countries. 70 seminars. 22 meals together. 13 new movements. 1 message of hope to take back to universities across the globe. Why is hope needed in our different contexts? What will you take back from World Assembly?
“Hope is needed to enable Christian students to be bold in speaking the gospel, in words and deed. I’ll take back the stories of the Bible that bring hope as well as the stories I’ve heard of student ministry around the world.” Fransisca, PERKANTAS Indonesia.
“Hope is needed to impact the universities of the world, recognising diversity, recognising our evangelical unity and keeping in mind the authority and integrity of God’s Word. I have wholeheartedly realised that my story is part of God’s story.” Charlie, SLEFES Sierra Leone.
“Hope is needed because students are suffering from depression and isolation. They need to know that they are known and loved by the God who made them. I am taking back practical ideas to cultivate community among hurting people.” Kelley, InterVarsity USA.
Pray with us as participants return to their movements around the world:
- Pray that friendships between individuals and movements that have started at World Assembly would continue, so that partnerships can be strengthened.
- Pray for the new Board members appointed at World Assembly. Pray that God would help them govern with wisdom and godliness.
- Pray that lessons learned and ideas shared at World Assembly would not be quickly forgotten but would benefit the national movements delegates return to.
Thanks for praying with us!