Pray for Muslim students around the world
Sunset this evening marks the start of Ramadan. For 30 days, Muslims across the world will be fasting during daylight hours. They break their fast each day at sunset with a communal ‘iftar’ meal.
Karine is a Christian, but this year she’ll be going along to an iftar meal as well. She will be the guest of her friend Lamia, a Muslim biology student. When Karine heard that the university Muslim student association were organising an iftar she asked Lamia if she could attend.
It won’t be the first iftar Karine’s enjoyed. Last time she had the opportunity to share the gospel with a group of women, who unexpectedly asked her to explain what she believed!
“Jesus himself made the most of meal opportunities and we can too”, she said. “If you have been looking for an opportunity to develop a deeper connection with a Muslim friend, consider going to an iftar. Many mosques have “open house” iftars meant specifically for outsiders. Take a Christian friend, and prayerfully and boldly ask if you can go along!”
- Pray for Karine and two other Christian students attending, that this would be a significant time of building friendships with Lamia and many other Muslim students there.
- Pray that Christian students across the different IFES regions would be active in befriending and sharing their faith with Muslims on campus.
Thanks for praying with us!