IFES Prayerline

Solomon Islands: Less is more? 

Well, not less overall. He was advocating for less of a hands-on approach to ministry. David explains: 

“I’d been encouraging them not just to minister to the students but also with and through the students. I explained that this involves moving beyond teaching to training up – that it’s about entrusting the students with ministry, guiding and mentoring, rather than taking the lead themselves.”  

As Edward (SIUCF General Secretary) and recently-appointed staff workers, Rose and Amelia, adopted this approach, they soon noticed its impact: the ministry expanded. Now, SIUCF has a presence at the University of the South Pacific (Honiara campus) and on each of the National University’s three campuses, with some having Bible study groups in several dorms.  

But less of one ministry skill required more of another. The team recognised that its new focus called for greater understanding of leadership. So, at the start of the year, they reached out to David. 

“I wanted this to be more than just ‘how-to’ leadership tips. So, we dug into leadership themes in the Bible and explored practical, culturally appropriate ways to apply them.” 

Together, they discovered how servant leadership involves a godly confidence, faithful flexibility, and teamwork that equips and entrusts. 

“The dynamics of student ministry are very different from how I’m used to serving within our church youth fellowship. These sessions have equipped us with tools and insights that will grow SIUCF ministry by training other students to be leaders and disciple-makers.” 


“This training helped us understand why and how we should lead,I’ve been influenced and challenged – especially by the idea that confidence in ministry comes from imitating the servant heart of Jesus and not from hearing the affirmation and acclaim of others.” 

So, as Amelia, Rose, and Edward grow in leadership, learning to do “less”, let’s pray that God, working through students, will do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20)

  • Give thanks for Edward, Rose, and Amelia, and the growth of SIUCF over recent years. Pray for the staff as they grow in biblical leadership. 
  • As the staff team equips, enables, and entrusts students to lead ministry, ask that SIUCF will continue to flourish and see more young leaders emerge. 
  • Give thanks for the mid-year conference, called “Jesus Centred”, that took place last month. Pray for the 30+ students who attended – that their whole lives will be truly centred on Jesus. 

Leadership Development

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