Pray for students of the Americas
Meet students of the Caribbean, Latin America and North America. Find out what’s going on in IFES student groups in places like Guadeloupe, Peru and Canada, and get praying for them on World Student Day.
Find out more about IFES ministry in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Joey, IS/IVCF Trinidad & Tobago
Pray for student ministry in Trinidad & Tobago to grow, and particularly graduate student ministry. Pray for an increase in volunteers and donations and pray for God to move through the ministry.

Steve, IS/IVCF Guyana
Steve has recently started pioneering work among in the schools of Bartica. The small mining town in Guyana struggles with problems of human trafficking, unemployment, alcoholism and substance abuse. Praise God for providing Steve to start this work and for the support of local pastors and headteachers. Pray for wisdom as he explores ministry opportunities in the seven schools. Pray that many children would come to trust in Jesus, and that through them, whole families and communities can meet Jesus and be transformed by the gospel. Pray that Bible clubs would be vibrant, and pray for God’s protection over Steve as he travels via boat in this remote area.

Tomy, IS/IVCF Cayman Islands
It seems anxiety and mental health are becoming bigger issues for students. Pray for students and their relationships to one another, that Christians would build deep, sustaining friendships that spur their faith and motivate them to reach out to their peers. Pray against nominalism and apathy toward Jesus, that He would spark revival in the hearts of young people.

Jody, ISCCF St Vincent & the Grenadines
Pray for the three ISCCF groups that were re-started at the end of 2018. Pray that they would become established this year, with committed student leaders.

Jean-Davy, Cristal Impact Guadeloupe
Praise God for the new students we’ve got and pray that we can help them to get settled and find their place here.
North America

Sebastian, InterVarsity Canada
Christians are building up trust and community among international students and domestic students, hosting them for dinner and letting them lead the cultural night and story sharing. Pray against insecurities of self-worth and fear of not belonging. Pray that leaders can be inclusive and genuinely love others well.

Calgary High School Ministry, InterVarsity Canada
Calgary is a very multicultural city, where many faiths are expressed and tolerated, so few acknowledge or submit to one truth, the Truth. For these reasons, it can be difficult to move the conversation towards putting trust in God. Also, in high schools, every group needs a teacher sponsor in order to be an official club in the school. Teachers are so busy with so many things that it can be difficult to find a teacher sponsor who will allow us to gather on school property. As we plant this ministry, Pray for good connections and relationships between teacher sponsors and InterVarsity staff in local high schools.

Abby, InterVarsity USA
Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in campus groups, driving more students to follow God’s heart for those on the margins, and pray for more justice and shalom in our communities.

Joshua, GBUC Canada
The culture here is skeptical and hyper-individualistic. Pray for students to discover how the gospel is good news for them and for their communities. Pray for our small group to discover what it means to receive the good news of hope on the margins as we volunteer together at a drop-in centre for the homeless and people on a low-income.

Blake, InterVarsity USA
As a university in the American Bible belt there is a culture of lukewarm Christianity around us, and it can be hard to break through many of the misconceptions of what it means to follow Christ. Additionally, the growth of some of our five chapters has been hampered in the last few years, so please pray for boldness in sharing the gospel and inviting new members.

Aaron, InterVarsity Canada
Religion in general is thought to simply be fulfilling psychological and social functions, rather than claims about the nature of reality. Christianity is seen as a thing of the past. Christians have been joining together in inter-fellowship prayer meetings, praying for the poor in our city and on our campuses. Pray for Christians to be open and vulnerable with others, themselves, and God, and for them to be intentional in inviting others to explore Jesus.
Latin America

Areli, COMPA Mexico
There is an atmosphere of violence and insecurity in the country. Christian students stand out when they care about the welfare of others – their physical and spiritual needs.
My state is large and the distances between cities are long. Pray that despite the distance, we may feel in community. Pray also for a local worker to support the student leaders on each campus.

Clariza, Dominican Republic
The challenges I face as a Christian student include connecting with students and maintaining a faithful witness to Jesus through my campus walk. Pray for strength for each of the leaders of the movement and pray for more committed leaders, sent by the Lord into His harvest.

Keren, UCU Colombia
The biggest challenges we face are apathy to the gospel and the restrictions from the authorities. Please pray for new believers and transformed souls. Pray for our courage and pray for financial resources.

Deborah, CBU Uruguay
Pray for the groups in each faculty that they can make Jesus known and pray for the Christian students’ commitment to ministry. Pray for the Uncover project – may God guide us and help us as we put it into practice. Pray for new Bible study groups in faculties that have not yet been opened. Pray for the missionaries who will come next year to serve with CBU, that they can raise funds and find an apartment to live in.

Fernando, MUC El Salvador
Pray for an end to violence in our country. Pray that families would not be separated as people leave the country in search of a better life.

Sherlyn, ABU Puerto Rico
We currently don’t have a general secretary so pray that we find one. In Puerto Rico we are facing a crisis. Pray for our university and our students. Pray that we don’t lose hope and faith. Pray that we would have courage and would be part of the change.

Angel, AGEUP Peru
Pray that Christians at university would want to proclaim the gospel, and would be willing to identify as Christians. Pray for the Board members to keep walking with Jesus. Pray that the work would continue to grow.

Antonella, CECE Ecuador
Pray for more leaders who are committed, who love God and people. Pray for creativity and perseverance in sharing the gospel with those who are indifferent. Pray for strength for the General Secretary and for faithful workers who will persevere.

Iovany, CEC Panama
Pray for the strengthening of pioneering groups that are starting up or are re-starting. Pray that there would be people who would rise up and take on the leadership of student groups.

Andrea, CECE Ecuador
I feel there are many barriers to share our faith, due to polarized opinions on politics, economy, violence and law. Christians, many times, are considered as retrogrades or uneducated. Our opinion sometimes does not count.
We have been building conversational bridges with students about different problematic topics. It is a safe place to ask questions. We are also serving on the volunteer programs that the university offers.
Pray for our country which is going through a big crisis with lots of violence. Pray for unity and courage to stand firm during this crisis. Pray that we may bring Christ’s light and hope for the students that are around us.
Bryan, AGEUP Peru
Pray for Venezuelan migration in our country (around 1 million have come in the last two years).
Pray for our political authorities (the congress was dissolved some weeks ago).
Pray for the students around Perú to show a deep, practical love in the middle of the circumstances, as an expression of their faith.

Fábio, ABUB Brazil
Our group is still developing – we need new leaders to be raised up for the student movement in our city. Some students fear being ridiculed for their faith, and for some there is the challenge of time management, which has often been the excuse for not getting involved in ministry. Pray for our political context, that there would be peace. Pray for the growth of our local group. Pray for greater involvement of our Christians in student missionary work.