Region / Country: South Pacific
Cook Islands
French Polynesia
American Samoa
Pioneering student ministry in the South Pacific
Student ministry in the Solomon Islands began in 2013, when a few students started meeting together to read the Bible and pray. Six years on, the movement (SIUCF) is thriving. Under-graduate student Amelia shared more:
“I joined SIUCF towards the end of 2018, when a few of my friends invited me to join their Bible Study. At first I was hesitant, but when I did go, I was glad I did. I instantly felt welcomed and at ease. Studying the Bible together was a totally new experience for me. Once we started sharing, it was difficult to stop! I have been a member since, and always look forward to Saturday Bible studies.
It’s always encouraging to share with my other brothers and sisters in the group and to hear their stories of how God is answering prayers. It makes me want to know God more. I know that by God’s grace, and through this ministry, He will continue to make me more like Him.”
Please pray for us:
- Pray that we can find a permanent space to meet on campus. We currently hold Bible studies outside.
- Pray for some events coming up: a girls’ retreat, a retreat for SIUCF leaders, and the annual Christian Fellowship camp. Pray that God will touch the lives of many young people through these events. Pray for venues to be found, for lots of people to attend, for the speakers, and for expenses and practical preparations.
- Pray that God will raise new young leaders to serve God through SIUCF. Our movement will affiliate to IFES at World Assembly in July.
Thanks for praying with us!
When dreams become reality
Elodie and Ali were feeling hesitant. They were the only students going from New Caledonia. They were tired, and it seemed like a lot of effort to go to the IFES South Pacific Regional Conference (SPARC) in Vanuatu. But by the end of the week, they knew it had been worth it. Meeting so many other Christian students from around the region had deeply encouraged them. They left with a dream of starting a witnessing group on their campus.
By the end of 2018 they had managed to find a group of students interested in joining them, and they made a plan to meet again after the summer break.
11 February 2019, six months after SPARC, the first meeting of GBU-NC (Groupe Biblique Universitaire de Nouvelle Calédonie) took place. Ten students gathered. They decided to start meeting every Monday. At the moment the students are predominantly from the indigenous people group. They asked for prayer that they would be able to reach out to other communities and make GBU-NC a place where students from different backgrounds feel welcome.
Join us in giving thanks and praying for this new group:
- Thank God that a new student witness has been started in this country. Many people have been praying for this for a long time!
- Pray that the students would work well together, owning the ministry and reaching out to students from different communities on campus. Pray that, through them, many more would come to know that Jesus is Lord.
Thanks for praying with us!