Pioneering student witness
We want to see a faithful witness to Christ in every university in the world.
Today IFES has student fellowships in over 180 countries. But there are still thousands of university campuses around the globe without any Christian witness. We believe that every student should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus. That’s why IFES continues to pioneer new student ministries in unreached campuses, cities and countries.
The Breaking New Ground project was launched in 2018 to support and resource national movements in pioneering ministry.
We aim to do this by awarding grants to enable pioneering projects, by identifying and training people in pioneering ministry and by mobilising prayer across our global network.
Please note: for Thriving on New Ground grants, the maximum you can apply for is USD 5,000.
Breaking New Ground grants are now called Thriving on New Ground grants.
Our global grant program
The IFES Breaking New Ground project is supporting students and staff all over the world with seed funding as they plant groups in new cities. We’re also pioneering in new countries, including Equatorial Guinea, the Faroe Islands and New Caledonia. Other movements are being supported by grants to travel to unreached campuses, to train and disciple students, to host outreach events and to produce Bible study materials.

Nigel Pollock, Program Director and Head Coach, Breaking New Ground“Pioneering new work has always been part of the DNA of IFES. Breaking New Ground is an exciting new initiative encouraging, supporting and resourcing a new wave of pioneering around the world.”