High school ministry is thriving in the Caribbean and is a vital investment in the many young people who leave formal education early. For those who do go on to further education, preparing them well for the transition means they arrive at university already envisioned to reach their campus.
IFES is supporting pioneering work in the Caribbean, like one project to take the gospel to the Guyanese mining town of Bartica. It’s a challenging context: the town can be reached only by boat and many students face serious social problems, including human trafficking and alcoholism. Despite these challenges, IS/IVCF Guyana are keen to start something new there. Read more about our pioneering work.
The movements in the Caribbean live with the threat of severe hurricanes each year. Many islands were devastated by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Apart from the loss of lives, homes and employment, students were left psychologically scarred. National movement staff, board members, students and graduates from across the region joined the humanitarian relief efforts at the time and continue to work to support the grieving and rebuild the student ministry.
- Anguilla
Antigua & BarbudaISCCFInter-School and Colleges Christian FellowshipBoard Chair:Jacqueline Jackson-Carbon
BarbadosIS/IVCFInter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Mario King
BelizeIS/IVCFInter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Lance Lewis
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
Cayman IslandsIS/IVCFInter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian FellowshipMain Contact:Latavia Henry-Campbell
French Guiana
GrenadaISCFInterSchools Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Rodney McIntyre
GuadeloupeCIACristal Impact Archipel GuadeloupeGeneral Secretary:Serge Leinster
GuyanaIS/IVCFInter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Flemlyn Ragobeer
HaitiGBEUHGroupe Biblique des Ecoles et Universités d’HaïtiMain Contact:Magda Victor
JamaicaSCF/SUInter-Schools Christian Fellowship / University and Colleges Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Paul Lewis
MartiniqueGBUCristal Impact MartiniqueBoard Chair:Philippe Mystille
- Montserrat
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Martin
- Sint Maarten
St LuciaIS/CCFInter-School and Colleges Christian FellowshipBoard Chair:Mary Wilfred
St Vincent & GrenadinesISCCFInter-School and Colleges Christian FellowshipBoard Chair:Samantha Diamond
SurinameJSSJesus' Students SurinameGeneral Secretary:Giachino Ronokarijo
Trinidad & TobagoIS/IVCFInter School and Inter Varsity Christian FellowshipGeneral Secretary:Rebecca Musgrave
- Turks & Caicos Islands
- Virgin Islands USA

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Caribbean Snapshots
- 16Affiliated movements
- 4Pioneering movements
- 10,000students involved in IS/IVCF Guyana (largest movement)