South Korea: “We will not keep silent.”
“In this situation, where should Christians stand? What should we do as young Christian college students?”
Those were the questions the students of IVF, the IFES movement in South Korea, were asking, in response to the refugee crisis. In June last year, 550 Yemeni refugees entered Korea. The influx has prompted protests both of those in favour and those against it.
IVF students at Sangmyung University felt that they should not keep silent. They first decided to learn about refugees by inviting an IVF staff member who had spent time with Yemeni refugees to share with them. Hearing about the situation in Yemen and the devastating impact on its people cleared up some misconceptions they had. Now they wanted to act.
The group decided to run a two-day campaign on campus to raise awareness and money for the refugees, in partnership with a Korean NGO. Unsure of what the response would be, they prayed for God’s help.
The IVF group were delighted to see many students and faculty showing an interest. When students asked them who they were and why they were doing this, they could answer: “We are IVF. We’re doing this because we’re Christians.”
Join us in praying:
- Pray that IVF students would have wisdom in knowing how to support Yemeni refugees.
- Pray for Yemeni student refugees to find the practical, emotional, financial and spiritual help they need.
- Pray for the students IVF met through the campaign to be interested to find out more about the God of justice and compassion. Pray for opportunities to follow up with them and to help them explore the Christian faith.
Thanks for praying with us!