East Asia: Voice matters
Expectations are high:
“I’m very much looking forward to hearing God’s voice, praising him, sharing with others, and praying as a small group!” – (Tomomi, student in KGK Japan).
Tomomi will soon arrive in Thailand. She’ll join with over 500 students and staff from 17 IFES national movements in her region (plus six from other countries). The triennial IFES East Asia Regional Conference (EARC) (3-9 July 2024) will be a time to fellowship together and seek God’s guidance for the challenges they face in their university contexts.
“I hope to learn, be equipped, and inspired so I can serve with renewed strength in a world where I face the challenge of standing against worldly values.” – (Jess, student in TCS Thailand)
Taking a stand, having a voice, is reflected in the theme of this year’s event: “Voice Matters”.
A Variety of Voices
As students arrive from diverse contexts, they’ll hear each other’s voices: some will come from IFES national movements that are well-established (e.g. FES Singapore); some from those more recently affiliated (e.g. FCS Mongolia); and others from those operating in secret due to security concerns.
Grace, part of the Thai host committee for EARC 2024, explains how important the interaction across movements will be:
“Students will gain a broader perspective of God’s work as they hear about each other’s ministries and consider specific issues together.”
That’s exactly what Jefta (student in Perkantas Indonesia) is looking for:
“Hopefully through EARC we can connect and build strong relationships, share our journey and experiences, give hope and strengthen each other.”
Listening for God’s Voice
Throughout EARC, participants will be listening for God’s voice. Bible expositions from Zechariah will be led by “Titus” (from a sensitive movement), who clearly has a prophet’s heart:
“When I see the challenges we face, my heart wrestles with fear, pain, and brokenness. But the Lord also shows me signs of hope, mixed with sparkling joy, through those who faithfully and sacrificially serve in the ministry.”
He asks us to pray that the Lord would speak through him as he opens the Scriptures so that students will dedicate themselves to be prophetic voices and faithful disciples, impacting society for good.
Andrea, a student in IVCF Philippines, is ready:
“At EARC, I’m looking forward to fellowship, encouragement, worship, and rest. But, above all, I’m eager to hear and listen to what the Lord calls me to.”
Learning to be God’s Voice
To help students explore that calling, three plenary sessions and a range of workshops will facilitate reflective discussions. This includes contemporary issues (e.g., cancel culture and gender identity), ministry topics (e.g., understanding church and evangelism in the secular university), and personal development themes (e.g., emotional resilience and critical thinking).
Anucha, General Secretary of TCS Thailand elaborates,
“This year’s EARC will challenge students to dedicate themselves to being prophetic voices – by bearing witness, loving others, serving society, and being a voice that leads others to see the truth and hope in the gospel.”
Today, we’ve heard seven voices. Let’s pray that these – and the voices of all attending EARC – will truly matter:
- Lisman, IFES Regional Secretary for East Asia, asks, “Please pray for God’s presence, peace, and protection, and that participants will discern God’s voice and return to their respective movements as the voice of their generation for the glory of God.”
- Pray for “Titus” – that the Lord will speak powerfully through his ministry – and pray for all those ministering in sensitive countries, for renewed strength and courageous hope.
- Thank the Lord for all the hard work of the Thai host committee and pray that they will know God’s blessing and strength as they serve their sisters and brothers from across the region.