Albania: Using manga to share the gospel
You probably know the parable of the Sower. But imagine it set in modern-day Albania and depicted through manga (Japanese comic book style). That’s what BSKSh Albania are doing as a way to reach out to students with the gospel.
They’re trying something different to get the attention of the new students arriving at university this month. This generation of students are sometimes called the ‘i-Generation’ – young people who’ve grown up with smart phones and social media from a young age. Many students are now tired of looking at a screen all the time; a paper booklet is actually quite a novelty! And manga has recently become popular with young people, so BSKSh came up with the idea of presenting the familiar story through this medium.
The manga version of the parable will feature places the students know well – the university, the coffee bar – and will introduce the readers to four lawyers (representing the four types of soil). BSKSh are praying that it will get students thinking, ‘which one am I?’
Students are staff will be going out with the booklets to meet new students this month. Join us in praying for them.
- Pray for BSKSh students to have courage, wisdom and warmth as they meet and talk with new students.
- Pray that God would use the manga booklet to speak to students and draw them to himself.
- In a country where many feel disillusioned and hopeless, and are keen to make a fresh start by moving to another country, pray that many students in Albania would come to know Jesus, the only source of true hope.
Thanks for praying with us!