Liberia: Toose’s costly decision
As Toose’s student days drew to a close, his life in Liberia looked set. After graduating with an economics degree last year, he was offered a good job with a local bank. For financial security and an impressive status, it seemed an obvious choice. But much to the surprise of his friends and the disapproval of his family, Toose turned it down and joined the LIFES Liberia staff team instead:
“Ministry is my passion. I couldn’t choose any other job over that. If I need to make sacrifices so that others can hear about Jesus and be saved like me, then I’m willing to do it.”
Toose is one of eight LIFES staff who support student ministry with 16 student fellowships across five regions. He wants to see students growing in Scripture engagement and leadership, the way he did at university.
Toose asked for prayer:
- The hearts of many students are hard because of false teaching they have heard and believe. Pray that students will receive the true gospel and apply it to their lives and study.
- Pray that Toose would have strength, courage and wisdom in his work, as well as financial support and safety in traveling long distances between campuses.
- LIFES would like to expand their ministry into five new regions in the near future. Pray for more workers.