Venezuela: The power of a gentle invite
Nattanaelys and Josué were quite similar, but they were also worlds apart – until a gentle invitation from Nattanaelys led to a powerful change in Josué.
Common Experiences
Nattanaelys and Josué both experienced huge losses at a young age. When Josué was four years old, his parents divorced, with his mother leaving to rebuild her life elsewhere; when Nattanaelys was nine, her father was murdered.
As they finished school, both had high hopes for their university studies, but neither were able to enrol on the course they desired. Instead, they ended up studying physiotherapy at the Simón Rodríguez Experimental University in Marigüitar.
Different Outlooks
Despite these difficult shared experiences, they had vastly different perspectives on life.
Nattanaelys had a family who loved the Lord. Growing up as part of an evangelical church, she was shaped by biblical teaching. Through an aunt, she was introduced from an early age to MUEVE, the IFES movement in Venezuela. All this gave her a sense of purpose:
“Due to the situation in the country, I couldn’t study the career I really wanted. But my objective at university was still clear: to present the hope of Jesus to my classmates.”
Josué entered university in a wholly different state of mind. While growing up with his grandparents, he started to do everything alone. He had some good friends, but gradually he became emotionally detached. Many labelled him as “cold and distant” – and he started to believe it.
“I pursued intellect to compensate for the emptiness that tormented me. But I knew what was going on inside: I didn’t know what love was. I didn’t even have a concept of what it was.”
A Gentle Invitation with a Powerful Effect
As nothing more than classmates, Nattanaelys had no idea what Josué was going through. Nevertheless, true to her purpose, she decided to invite him to a MUEVE event. He recalls:
“I didn’t even know her name, but she came over to me. Very subtly, and with a touch of embarrassment, she asked me if I wanted to take part. When I agreed, I was shocked to hear that the event was called ‘Crazy things of Love’.”
Intrigued by what he heard that day, Josué continued to attend MUEVE Bible studies, prayer spaces, and events. Then, he was ready:
“I took the step of giving my life to the One who is the source of inexhaustible love.”
Nattanaelys concludes: “I’m so grateful – through that MUEVE event, Josué is today my brother in faith and friend.”
- Give thanks for the way God used Nattanaelys’s gentle yet courageous invitation to draw Josué into “inexhaustible love”. Ask that all students in MUEVE will share her commitment, reach out to their classmates, and see God at work.
- Both Nattanaelys and Josué were selected to participate in an IFES subregional gathering, offering fellowship and training for students from Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Sadly, due to ongoing political issues, they couldn’t attend. Please pray for a swift and peaceful resolution.

- Moreover, Joel, MUEVE General Secretary says: “due to our economic crisis, many family members, friends, mission partners and students have left the country, leading to a reduction in our student groups.” Let’s pray that the Lord will strengthen those who remain and raise up new student leaders through the national camp on 7-8 September.
Discover more about student ministry in this Caribbean subregion of Latin America with IFES Coordinator Gisela Muñoz in this Voices of IFES podcast.