Brazil: Student Stephanie leaves her social bubble
What had led to these girls living in shelters? What was life like for them? Stephanie listened to their sad stories. Girls so young and already with such heavy luggage, she thought.
It was the third week of the recent ABUB Brazil student leadership training. After two weeks of intensive Bible study, teaching and workshops, the 48 students spread out across the city to serve local NGOs, churches and mission organisations. Why? To learn that to lead is to serve.
Graduate Stephanie was helping an NGO that works with teenagers from difficult backgrounds. A week of gardening, painting and talking to the young people left a deep impression on her. Familiar Bible passages struck her in new ways – the call to weep with those who weep, and the promise of the new creation.
She reflected:
The experience of leaving my social bubble and getting involved with other realities made me reflect on the role of Christianity in the face of injustices and social inequality.
Will you pray for these ABUB students and graduates this week?
- Pray that the students’ leadership training and serving experiences would shape the way they live out their faith on campus this year. Pray that they would find ways to show compassion to those who are suffering and speak out against injustice.
- Pray that these student leaders would serve their student groups faithfully this year. Pray that they would have courage and creativity in evangelism. Pray that through them the movement will continue to expand.