Francophone Africa: Risking everything to start a new Christian fellowship
In some Francophone African countries, telling students about Jesus puts your own life and theirs in danger. Moussa*, a graduate from Burkina Faso, felt called to move to one such country in 2016. Religious extremism makes it a very dangerous place to be. State representatives and village chiefs have been assassinated. Humanitarian workers have been taken hostage. Police have been killed. Crossing the country to reach students in more remote parts has been made even more difficult by the ban of motorcycles as a mode of transport (an anti-terrorist measure).
In such a hostile environment, it is even more remarkable when students risk telling others about Jesus. Moussa recently organised some evangelistic training for student leaders. One of them, Jean-Marc*, committed to start a new group in a high school about 30 km away. Despite the ban on motorcycle traffic, Jean-Marc went to negotiate with local authorities to obtain permission to make the motorcycle trip with another member of the team. By the grace of God, it was granted. Today, there is a Bible group in this school.
Moussa asked us to pray for the small movement:
- Thank God for Jean-Marc and the new Bible group in the school he’s started. Pray that members of this group would be fearless in sharing the gospel.
- Pray for Moussa and other workers here to keep remembering God’s sovereignty and power over darkness. Pray for more workers to be willing to go to dangerous places like these in Francophone Africa.
- Pray for the return of peace to this country.
*name changed
Thanks for praying with us!