Norway: Rindra gathers with 3,000 students from across Europe
Rindra is from Madagascar but has been studying in Norway this year, where he’s been serving NKSS, the IFES movement there, in his spare time. In ten days, he’ll be making his way down to Germany, to gather with 3,000 other students and graduates at Revive, the European student evangelism conference. Rindra and thousands across the region, are hungry to see a move of God in this generation.
Rindra is particularly looking forward to two of the many seminars on offer: ‘Talking about Jesus without sounding religious’, and ‘The Mark Drama’. He wants to learn how to share Jesus in different ways, and see his NKSS friends enthused about evangelism. Norway, like so many countries in Europe, is increasingly secular and needs revival.
As students and staff from IFES and other Christian student organisations seek God together at Revive, their prayer is that revival would ripple out across Europe and beyond. That’s Rindra’s prayer too:
“I hope to be enthused and equipped to return home to Madagascar, to UGBM, the IFES movement there, and share His name, continually praying for revival in our universities and nation.”
Join us in praying for Revive:
- The impact of Revive, for individuals, universities and countries, could be huge. But not without prayer! Pray that God would do an amazing work of reviving hearts, and ultimately universities and the whole of Europe, for His glory.
- Pray for the organisers, volunteers, prayer team, speakers and those leading seminars or workshops. Pray that they would have energy and great joy as they serve together.
- Pray for the students coming from smaller student movements, that Revive would be particularly encouraging and helpful for them.
Over the last 40 weeks, students of IFES movements across Europe have been making short videos about their countries and how you can pray for them. Watch all the videos here
Find out more about Revive at reviveeurope.org
Thanks for praying with us!