Indonesia: It started with two
Jonathan and Soen knelt in the corner of a little room. Their heads were bowed. Their hands were folded. Tears wet their eyes as they passionately prayed to God.
Both were Indonesian students studying in Australia. They had met at the Overseas Christian Fellowship Convention at the Melbourne Bible Institute. There they experienced student ministry like never before. It made them realize Indonesia’s great need for something similar.
Now it was time to return home. The two prayed that God would use them for Indonesia in whatever way he wanted – maybe even to start a student ministry. The year was 1963.
8 years later, in 1971, Perkantas was officially registered as a movement. But it is important to remember that their story began much earlier, with the faith of two young men who offered themselves to God’s service.
In July, Perkantas celebrated their 50th anniversary. A movement that began with two people was celebrated by a combined 1400 people over Zoom or livestreaming the event. A special webinar was included in this multi-day celebration of speeches, prayers, TikTok competitions, original songs from students, and encouragements from the nearby movements in South Korea and Australia. The webinar covered the tendency for Christian movements to decline after their first 50 years. Perkantas knows that now is not the time to become complacent. In fact, leading up to the celebration, they spent fifty days in prayer. They gave God credit for how far they had come and asked for his guidance over the next 50 years.
Now they ask for your prayers. Join us this week in praying for this movement which seeks to be a blessing to the nations.
- Thank God for the growth of Perkantas over the past 50 years. Pray that they stay faithful to the vision on which they were founded.
- Pray that this movement would be protected from the common factors that lead many Christian organizations to decline after the first 50 years. Pray that they would continue growing, learning, and serving God for many more years to come.
- Pray for Perkantas as they prepare to host World Assembly in 2023.
- Pray for the pioneers around the world who are currently breaking ground on new movements. Pray that 50 years from now they will be able to look back with thankfulness just like Perkantas.