India: In the clutches of COVID-19
As other parts of the world slowly recover from the pandemic, South Asia falls deeper into the clutches of an insidious virus. The situation is grim. Health workers are stretched beyond their limits and essential medical supplies are in shortage. Hospitals are at full capacity and do not have enough supplies to meet the overwhelming need. One member of UESI India says,
“With tears I received the call from a UESI graduate serving in a rural hospital in central India, that their 90-bed hospital does not have even one ventilator.”
As of 26 May, more than 1000 people associated with the UESI movement had been infected by the virus, including several who had passed away. The situation is also worsening in other countries like Nepal, where many are unable to get help due to an uneven distribution of resources, and hospitals are overcharging for care.
Still, IFES movements are doing their best to be salt and light in the crisis, despite many of their own being sick or grieving the death of loved ones. Throughout India, UESI has displayed a wonderful witness of the church, with many UESI alumni opening their buildings, establishing makeshift medical facilities, working as care-givers, and providing provisions.
IFES leadership in South Asia are asking for help. There is a race for oxygen concentrators in the region, and IFES alumni can facilitate the sending of this equipment to hospitals and COVID-19 care centers. The region also welcomes any medical professionals to consider coming to help with the crisis. IFES South Asia can facilitate student or graduate volunteers to serve for long or short-term commitments alongside local graduates in the region.
They also ask that you consider linking up with student groups in South Asia to pray and will facilitate such online meetings. A staff member from UESI says,
“I do believe that some such meetings can be the point of students discovering their call to mission as an answer to the matters that they see, hear, and pray for.”
To know more about how you can help the situation in South Asia, please contact Reji Daniel at reji.betsy@gmail.com.
Pray with us this week for South Asia.
- Pray for more funds to buy medical supplies and pray for a quick delivery of these supplies, as the lead time for the delivery of oxygen concentrators is over four weeks now.
- Pray for the health workers who are on the frontlines, that they may be given extra strength to press on without burnout. Pray for several IFES alumni who are on medical mission in South Asia.
- Pray that the hospitals would miraculously gain more capacity to care for the sick through better infrastructure and qualified medical professionals.
- Pray for the IFES movements and churches in South Asia as they brave numerous challenges to care for the sick.
IFES is also planning a special Day of Prayer for Friday 16 July in which we will lift this and other current global challenges before the Lord. Further details about how you can take part will be available in upcoming Prayerlines.