Mexico: Engaging with God’s Word in a busy world
How’s life? Busy!
We hear that a lot. It seems that today everyone is busy: on campus, at home, in the workplace. And IFES staff are no different. Rushing from one meeting to the next, from one activity to the next. Time with God can easily get squeezed. Before long, reading the Bible gets reduced to merely a tool for ministry. Eventually, weariness, discouragement and even spiritual staleness set in.
The IFES Scripture Engagement team doesn’t want that to happen. One of their priorities is to help staff stop and anchor themselves again in Christ and his good news. Ana Miriam Peralta, senior staff of COMPA Mexico, knows how crucial this is for the spiritual health of staff. That’s why she invited someone from the Scripture Engagement team to go to Mexico at the end of this week and help lead a 3-day retreat for 15 staff from the southern part of the country.
The aim of the retreat is for staff to spend quality time with God and to deepen their relationships with one another. It’s not a time of planning or organising. Rather, there will be times of silence to meditate on Scripture passages, of prayer, of sharing life in community, and of rest.
- Pray that the retreat would serve to encourage and renew the strength of the 15 COMPA staff members. Pray that God would speak to them through his Word and encourage them in their ministry.
- Pray for retreats run in other parts of the IFES world, in particular for the IFES Europe staff retreat 10-14 June 2019.
- Pray for Sabine Kalthoff and the rest of the Scripture Engagement team as they seek to awaken passion for Scripture engagement in national movements. Pray that Scripture would be central in all witness and mission, and effectively contextualised for students today.
If your national movement is interested in offering such retreats or in integrating one retreat day into an existing event, get in touch with the Scripture Engagement team.
Thanks for praying with us!