New Zealand: Dining with Jesus

Initiating conversations about faith can feel daunting and awkward, particularly in secular societies. But Christian Union (CU) students at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, have found a natural way to introduce the gospel. They invite others to dinner, to hang out – and to meet Jesus. 

“It’s made it so easy to expose my friends to God and his love,” says second-year student Robyn. 

A couple of years ago, the CU, part of TSCF, the IFES movement in New Zealand, recognised the difficulty of inviting peers to weekly Bible studies – especially because the group had been meeting in student houses or TSCF staff homes since the 2011 earthquake and COVID-19.  

So, they booked a communal space on campus for every Wednesday evening, cooked a simple meal, gathered to eat it, and then spent time in Scripture. They invited friends, contacts, and anyone who was still studying in the space when the meal was served. At one point last year, around 70 students were attending. 

Trinity shares how simple and effective it’s been: 

“I just invite people to get a free meal, to relax, and chat with some really friendly people. I tell them that after the meal there will be a Bible study but that there’s no pressure to stay. It gets people through the doorwhich isn’t easy when some think that Christianity is distasteful! Then, I let God and time do the rest. 

Non-Christians are often surprised by the generosity. (Each CU small group takes a turn to sacrificially serve by buying and cooking the food.) Positive conversations arise over dinner, and, after a few weeks, many newcomers decide to stay on and learn about Jesus in the Gospels. 

Some have already responded in faith – last year, a friend that Robyn had invited became a Christian. Others are still considering. Yet all have appreciated the friendship and the space to find out about Christ. Three interested master’s students from China have now graduated but remain in touch with the group. 

On campus, a new academic year has just begun. Out of the 35-40 people who’ve come to the first meals and studies, about a quarter are not yet Christians. Clearly, this offer of hospitality and friendship has revolutionized the CU’s outreach. One of the leaders explains its success: 

Students are often a bit afraid of ‘doing evangelism’ on campus, but we encourage them to see that helping people meet Jesus isn’t scary, especially when we can do it together and just be ourselves.” 

  • Praise God for the way this approach has energised Christian students in their witness and introduced non-Christians to Christ. Pray that CUs across TSCF New Zealand will be innovative and courageous in their outreach. 
  • This year, the Canterbury CU has been given a meeting space that’s less central on campus. Pray that this will not deter newcomers and that the group will continue to grow. 
  • This semester’s meals will be followed by a series called Encountering Jesus, covering topics like ‘What’s our greatest need?’, ‘Does Jesus love everyone?’, and ‘What does Jesus want from us?’. Pray that the 8-10 interested students will indeed encounter Jesus and “taste and see that the Lord is good”. 
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