A message from Jamil
Dear IFES family,
The news headlines over the past weeks have felt particularly heavy. Following the killing of George Floyd in the US, activism against racism has made its way to other countries all over the world. We are seeing how a series of tragic events in one country has shone a light on injustices everywhere. In this time, people of all nations are examining their hearts and wrestling with the realities of a fallen world.
I want to remind you that our God is here with us in the midst of our pain, anger, and questioning. He has created us for relationship and urges us to help one another, to learn from one another, to love one another through the hardships we experience. In these circumstances, it seems to me that it is most just and constructive to listen to the hearts of our brothers and sisters in the United States who are fighting for change and to offer them as much support and encouragement that we have. I also believe that it is our duty as a community of believers to raise our voices in prayer for one another, to find words of consolation and comfort when a nation, a people, brothers and sisters find themselves convalescing after atrocious events such as this.
Most importantly, we have an opportunity to look within our own nations and identify areas where we can be a godly voice for justice. I encourage you to use this time to mobilise prayer networks and to take action as the Spirit leads. I pray that the Lord will bring healing to all of our hearts and lead us to pursue peace and justice.
Would you pray with me this week?
- Pray for InterVarsity campus groups in the US to be agents of racial reconciliation and transformation in their universities.
- Pray for students around the world to take this opportunity to examine their own societies and act against injustices.
- Pray for the hearts of Christians everywhere, that they would be willing to learn from and listen to their brothers and sisters who are hurting.
In Christ,
IFES Acting General Secretary