Eurasia: Sharing the gospel through Christmas cards
It was going to take a miracle. To hand out Christian postcards in this Eurasian country is illegal. But the students wanted to tell their campus about Jesus. So they prayed to their miracle-working God, and amazingly permission was granted. Altogether 25,000 postcards were distributed in nine university cities. The Christmas cards had been designed by a student. They were more than just pretty pictures — each card had a link to an interactive website where students were invited to complete the sentence ‘Christmas is…’ There they could also read the Christian response on the real meaning of Christmas: Emmanuel, God with us.
The cards were used in different ways. One girl invited her non-believing friends to her dormitory and organised a Christmas party for them. They played games and she used the postcards to share the gospel with them. Other students were given permission to hand out the postcards publicly on campus, asking students what Christmas meant for them. It was an easy way in to talking about the hope Jesus brings.
The IFES Innovation Project supported this and many other student initiatives to share the gospel on campus in creative and innovative ways. Find out more about how IFES is supporting student evangelism around the world.