Trinidad and Tobago: We need awakening and wisdom.
The coconut trees, beautiful beaches and party culture make Trinidad and Tobago a popular holiday destination and a great place to be a student. But it’s all too easy for the laid-back, pleasure-seeking attitudes of society to creep into the Christian faith.
Associate General Secretary, Anthony, reflected:
“There is a lot of openness to the gospel; we still have a window of opportunity to be bold in our proclamation. But we are a bit too comfortable. We have a lot of ‘sleeper Christians’ who are not serious about reaching out to friends. We need to pray for the awakening of Christians to step out of their comfort zones, out of apathy and indifference, and become salt and light where they are.
We also need wisdom: wisdom in the face of growing secularisation; wisdom in reaching out to those from different religions; and wisdom in supporting the increasing numbers of students from broken homes and abusive relationships.”
With the new academic year just around the corner, Anthony asked us to pray that new student leaders, in universities and in high schools, would grasp the IVCF vision and hit the ground running.
Join us in praying for IVCF students:
- Praise God for the recent student leaders training and pray that student leaders would be prayerful and strategic as they plan for the new year. There is more training happening in July and August.
- Pray for nominal Christians to become whole-hearted disciples this year, radically living out their faith in schools and on campus and telling others the good news.
- Pray for the summer camps for secondary school students in July and August. Many attending are not believers. Pray that they would be transformed by the gospel.
Thanks for praying with us!