Ecuador: Virtual Pioneering in Ecuador
This week Prayerline is guest-written by Guadalupe Muñoz, who is responsible for the work with pioneer groups through CECE Ecuador.
When I began serving in this ministry, I had not considered using virtuality as a way to establish new university groups, but the pandemic changed everything, even the way of doing mission.
In April 2020, thanks to the virtual events that we (CECE) held for the anniversary of our movement, we were contacted by students from universities in cities where CECE has not previously worked due to their location or lack of contacts at the university.
In May 2020, we began a series of workshops for pioneer groups. The series was made up of six study sessions and a planning session for new students interested in starting a group at their university. We had two rounds of workshops, from which five university groups were born: ESPOL and UG-Administración (both in the city of Guayaquil), IKIAM (Ecuadorian Amazon Region), UNEMI (Milagro), ESPE (Latacunga). These workshops also strengthened a fragile group in the city of Ambato. All these groups continue gathering every week and are now consolidated.
I want to tell you particularly about UNEMI and Juan, one of the group coordinators. When Juan contacted us, he was very happy to know that he would have a community of faith at his university. He quickly got his friend Andrea involved in the mission and now they meet weekly through Zoom with an average of six participants. Juan and Andrea have already participated in a student training event and a national camp. Juan’s commitment is so strong that now he also participates with small responsibilities at a national level. His desire is to show the gospel of Jesus Christ to each classmate. Though he has not yet met them in person, he has overcome obstacles to generate meaningful relationships with them virtually.
Join us praying for:
- The new contacts whom God will call to his ministry in the universities of Ecuador.
- For coordinators who, like Juan, are passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus with their classmates, even without meeting them in person.
- For classes that are returning with a hybrid model (partially virtual, partially in person). Pray that we can adapt to the changes that will come, especially with the groups that were born in virtuality.