Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Speaking for Jesus on stage
Alicea did not particularly want to take part. Speaking in front of a big group of people sounded terrifying. But she knew this would be a good opportunity to share her faith, so she agreed to do it. The inter-college public speaking competition was organized by the IFES movement in St Vincent and the Grenadines, ISCCF. The topic for the speakers: ‘Has society turned away from biblical standards in order to appease consciences of guilt?’
Staff worker Josielle shared:
“Our tertiary students were amazing at presenting this topic. Their speeches highlighted current global issues and many Scriptural references. It was awesome to hear students express their point of view.”
Join us in praying for the students of ISCCF:
- Praise God for this event and pray that these young public speakers will become leaders who integrate their faith into their lives and influence society.
- Pray for the three ISCCF groups that were re-started at the end of 2018. Pray that they would become established this year, with committed student leaders.
- Pray for the movement’s continued growth and fruitfulness in the coming year and pray for a warm welcome when they share their story with our global fellowship at World Assembly in July.
Thanks for praying with us!