Charlotte first heard about Jesus while studying overseas in Northern Cyprus. After giving her life to God she decided to join the ISM (international student ministry) team herself, reaching out to other international students with the good news that had transformed her life. She reflects on her experience:
“ISM, I can undoubtedly testify, changed the direction of my life. We students, especially international students, are proud, strong, yet so very weak and vulnerable, and constantly in need of direction. Being involved in student ministry has helped me taste and see that it’s Jesus and not Google search that can give you that much needed direction and affirmation. I hope that many more students are encouraged to be a part of ISM wherever they find themselves in the world, being used as God’s hands and feet.”
With numbers of international students predicted to reach 7 million by 2020, praise God for the amazing opportunities we have to reach out to international students across the world.
Pray that God would give Christian students boldness, wisdom and love as they seek to introduce international students on their campuses to Jesus, who alone can bring them back to their true, eternal home.
Excited by this? Read more stories of international students from the Middle East, China and Rwanda being impacted by the witness of IFES student groups.
Thanks for praying with us!