“I find the hardest part of sharing the gospel here is that we have this sort of unspoken rule that religion is not compatible with science. This means most students haven’t even considered the idea that the Christian faith could be historical or true. And it’s very hard to get them interested.
During the week in April we’re going to put on several ‘Ted Talk’-style talks, sharing the Christian responses to some of the big questions students have:
“Was Jesus an imposter?” “Has science eliminated faith?” We’ll also be showing a documentary called tribale Wuaoranis and the film director, Damien Boyer, has agreed to come along for Q&A afterwards. The other main event of the week will be the Mark Drama – a 90-minute performance of Mark’s Gospel by students.
Coming to university has been encouraging for me because I am finally in a Christian community. I had no Christian friends at all at high school, so it’s amazing to see a group of students around me living for Jesus.”
Last month, Olin and four other GBEU students spent a week helping Oxford University students in their mission week. Read this week’s blog post to find out more.
Join us in praying for Olin and GBEU’s mission week:
Pray for GBEU students as they prepare for their mission week (16-20 April), organising and publicising events, rehearsing for the Mark Drama, and inviting their friends to go along.
Pray that many students at the University of Lausanne would hear the gospel this semester and consider the claims of the Christian faith with an open mind.
Thanks for praying with us!