Timor-Leste: Pioneering student ministry in East Asia
Three years ago, two young FES Malaysia staff moved to Timor-Leste to help pioneer student ministry and the IFES student group Kernels of Wheat began. It’s been a steep learning curve for them, grappling with a new language, culture and pastoral issues. Students often come with a history of broken relationships, of physical or sexual abuse at home. Those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith risk further abuse from family or people in the community.
Recently there have been some encouragements. Over the past year, 10-12 students have been attending the weekly Bible study group. Two of the regulars were actually from other campuses. They wanted to see groups start up there as well. So now there are three Bible studies happening across three different campuses. They’ve called the groups Liafun Moris, which means ‘Living Word’ in the local language.
- Pray with us for the students of Timor-Leste as they look together at God’s word each week.
- Pray that these three Bible study groups would grow in numbers and in love for Jesus over the coming year.
- Pray for the redemption of broken families and communities.Pray for the Kernels of Wheat (KOW) team to have wisdom and perseverance as they make plans for the year ahead.
Thanks for praying with us!