United Kingdom: Blinded by busyness
What would happen if we stopped and listened for God’s voice? At Revive 2019, Sam, a UCCF student, realized that his busyness could be blinding. Below he shares what happened when he recognized God’s activity in his daily routine.
“At Revive, we studied Acts 3, where Peter and John go to pray at the temple and encounter a lame beggar. As I listened, I realized that this was a journey that Peter and John routinely made. Yet that day the Holy Spirit told them to stop. Because they were obedient, they saw the man healed and 2,000 people saved.
I began to think about what that would look like for me. I’m walking to lectures along the same road every day. What if one day the Holy Spirit calls me to step into what he’s doing? Would I be listening?
One night, God put me to the test. As I was walking home, I passed a guy on a bench, looking up at the stars. We made eye contact, but I kept walking. But the Holy Spirit told me go back and talk to him. I thought, ‘Really, Lord?’
Eventually I went back. He invited me to sit, and I asked him about his story. He was surprised, saying no one had asked him that before. He explained that he was a spiritualist and ran a YouTube channel for other spiritualists. Then he asked me what my story was. So, I told him how God had radically transformed my life.
But then things got weirder. He told me ‘I was actually on my way home tonight, but a voice in my head told me to stop and sit here. And now you’ve arrived. You have a message for me. Are you going to share it?’
I said, ‘Well, I can tell you about Jesus!’ We chatted for an hour about Jesus and the cross. I told him that Jesus wanted to meet with him right then and asked if he wanted to follow him. He said yes!
Since then, he has continued to meet with my friend to talk about Jesus. It just blew me away to think that God is setting up these divine appointments all the time! He trusts us with them, and all he’s looking for is our obedience to what the Holy Spirit is already doing!”
It is easy to forget to live our lives prayerfully. But like Sam, we can challenge ourselves to constantly be listening for the Lord’s voice. This week pray for Sam and his friends at Durham University in the UK.
- Sam asks that you pray for a 24-hour prayer room that he and other UCCF students are helping launch. He says they want it to be a place where they can ask God for revival in their city.
- Pray that students around the world will search for opportunities to be led by the Holy Spirit in their daily routines.
- Thank God for events like Revive, which encourage students to reach the lost and pray for revival. Pray for the thousands of students who will attend Revive in 2021 and pray for the planning team as they are currently working to encourage registrations.
Now is the time to sign up for Revive 2021! Be a part of a powerful movement of students praying for revival in Europe. Find out more here.