Peru: An Erotica Expo – are you ready for this?
Christian students organising an Erotica Expo? Why would AGEUP Peru do such a thing?!
Because in Latin America there are between 1.4 and 17 million people living with HIV/AIDS.
Because they see young people becoming sexually active without thinking about the consequences.
Because they want to promote dialogue, share Christian values and offer hope.
Because they want to fulfil the call of the Lord to be agents of transformation.
Their ExpoErotica certainly got the attention of students! Various zones had banners that proclaimed: Sexpress Yourself, Sexperts, Sexperiment, Sex in the City and No Condoms for the Soul.
But what happened at the 16 zones was deeply challenging for students. At Sexpress Yourself, students shared their views about sex, love and death and heard a talk about the myths surrounding HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. At No Condoms for the Soul, they learned how little physical protection condoms offer for some diseases. They also heard about the risks to the heart and soul of casual sexual involvement. Students stopped at Wait without Sexcuses to talk about the importance of waiting till marriage to have sex – backed up by evidence from research studies and discussion of the consequences of not waiting.
Students in AGEUP Peru were deeply affected by taking part in the event. Raquel has travelled to help with the Expo in several universities, and longs to hold one at her own. ‘What we learn in theory must become practical. And we need to be prepared for all kinds of spiritual needs, since emotional issues are very delicate to deal with – even more so when they are your own.
‘It was a personal process for me to identify myself as a Christian woman and thank God for creating me this way. I am convinced that everything that God shows us and lets us learn is to help support someone who is suffering the same thing.’
Delia, who is studying Education, hopes to use her career to promote healthy sex education. ‘I want to avoid the taboos that have arisen over time, I want to deal with these issues. At the same time I want to care for myself as a sexual being and help others take care in the fight against HIV/AIDS.’
ExpoErotica is just part of AGEUP’s overall programme on sexual health and the fight against HIV/AIDS (called Lazos de VIHDA or Ties of Life). They work with churches, universities and high schools to raise awareness, inform and involve leaders in addressing sexuality in a clear and biblical manner.
Another Delia, who is studying Obstetrics, says Lazos is helping her to confront the perspective of the health sciences, which says the most important thing is that people get what the body asks for. Health professionals are simply there to provide the best protection possible. Now she is asking a crucial question: What is the position and responsibility of the church with respect to HIV/AIDS?
She writes: ‘As university students we must inform and raise awareness among pastors and leaders so that they commit to teaching young people about sex and sexuality, to avoid the spread of HIV/AIDS. This work demands that we are more consistent and that we are honest about having in our hearts something special that allows us to freely show how fragile we really are. In that way ExpoErotica constitutes a confessional space before the university.
‘If you allow your past to enter into your present, it will destroy your future. Our fragility without God, our hurts, the damage that sin has caused in our lives… but in spite of all this – look what Jesus has done in me! That’s good news!’
Will you pray this week for boldness – among students, in the church, in your own life – regarding sex and sexuality? Will you pray for deep healing and radical change – among students, in the church, in your own life?
Will you stir up your student group to break the bonds of silence about sex and sexuality and discuss these issues openly on your campus?