2 APRIL 2025
Every student should have the opportunity
to hear about Jesus.
Thanks to you – with your faithful prayers and generous donations – more students around the world will now receive that opportunity. Thank you! Thank you for taking part in Global Giving Day: Into all the World.
Although Global Giving Day is over, it’s not too late to give. You can still participate in this act of global fellowship today:
As a global fellowship of students, staff, and supporters, we have raised 52,559 USD from 238 donors in 80 countries and territories.
Praise God! Through your giving, new groups will be launched in countries, territories, subregions, campuses, and communities where a vibrant student witness does not yet exist.
You believe it. Your love for Jesus, your concern for the world, your commitment to Jesus’ call to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15) – all these mean that you believe it.
For over 75 years, IFES students, staff, and supporters have been striving to see a vibrant student-led witness to Christ in every university in the world. We’re delighted that there are now 164 national movements, with hundreds of student groups across the globe.
But your heart for spreading God’s good news says it can’t stop there.
There are countries, territories, subregions, and campuses where no student witness yet exists, where Christian students feel isolated and non-Christian students have never heard about Jesus.

Into All the World
What does it actually look like to begin new movements and new student groups? And who are the faithful witnesses carrying the gospel into these places?
Global Giving Day is a 48-hour event spanning the entire globe, which invites students and supporters like YOU to join together in God’s work on campuses around the world.
If you’re eager today to show your support for sending the gospel into all the student world, then you can already donate to this year’s Global Giving Day here:
What does it actually look like to begin new movements and new student groups? And who are the faithful witnesses carrying the gospel into these places?

New Movements
Expanding Movements
Re-pioneering and Nurturing Movements

Global Giving Day is a 48-hour event spanning the entire globe, which invites students and supporters like YOU to join together in God’s work on campuses around the world.

This year, given the strategic importance of taking the gospel into all the world, we’re prayerfully seeking to raise 50,000 USD on Global Giving Day – towards a total budget need of 302,474 USD.
All donations to this year’s Global Giving Day will help resource staff and students launch new groups or movements. This includes funds for:
• Supporting salary needs for new staff
• Travel costs for IFES regional staff to visit
• Scholarships to enable student or staff volunteers to attend regional events
• Food for student meetings
• Publicity for new groups
• Bible study resources for leaders of new groups
• Licences for online access
• Supporting costs associated with national training events
• Visits from IFES staff to offer training on governance
Option 1: Give online directly to IFES.
Option 2: Give via Bank Transfer
If you’d prefer to give via bank transfer, either in-person at your bank or using online banking, please email supporter.relations@ifesworld.org to request instructions. Please specify for which currency account and in which language you would like the instructions (English, French, or Spanish).
You can make a transfer in a different currency but please be advised that your bank may charge a fee for exchanging the currency, either at the point of transfer or from the amount sent.
Option 3: Give via Regions and National Movements
If you are unable to use our online giving platform, several IFES regions offer different giving methods that you can use instead. In all cases, make sure that you note the gift is for Global Giving Day 2024!
East Asia: Visit the Simply Giving website to donate.
Canadians wishing to receive a tax receipt can give to InterVarsity Canada. Please select ‘IFES – Global Giving Day – Pioneering worldwide’
Many other national movements can also receive donations on behalf of IFES. Please contact your national movement to find out if this is an option. When you give to your national movement, please also drop us an email at supporter.relations@ifesworld.org so we can say ‘thank you!’ To find the contact details for your national movement, visit Our World.
Hear personal perspectives on the appeal and stay up-to-date on how it’s progressing: sign up for Global Giving Day emails.
Global Giving Day email sign-up
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