A legacy for thriving student ministry
Like the tree in Psalm 1, IFES is intentionally rooted in God’s word. Our hope for the 2020s is that, as we continue to draw from these life-giving roots, God will help us to thrive together as a global fellowship. Whether you are a student doing Bible study on your campus, a graduate seeking to make a gospel pact in your workplace or a supporter praying and giving faithfully to the work, you are a vital part of this global fellowship.
We desire to thrive in our witness, to see students reaching students with the good news, and thousands of students coming to faith in Jesus every year. We aim to thrive in whole-life commitment, to see students equipped to influence the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ. We hope to thrive on new ground – to see Christian student ministry in cities, campuses and countries where there is no witness at present. We want to thrive into the future – to be a fellowship of national movements that are strong, healthy, resilient organisations.
“Thriving together” is not meant in a superficial way. We are well aware of our brokenness, our fragility and limitations, and the challenging times in which we live – the pandemic, political instability in many places, and a growing hostility towards the Christian faith that many of our movements encounter. But it is from this reality that we are called to serve and support one another.
Tim Adams,
IFES General Secretary

A GIFT IN YOUR WILL for THRIVING student ministry
You know that students are exploring their identity, asking questions, seeking truth and making decisions for the future. You know too that almost all leaders in government, education, and business have passed through the university – but that universities, although centres of thought, leadership and innovation, often fail to engage with foundational Christian truths.
Students are being sent into the world unprepared to be the leaders of integrity and conscience that the world so desperately needs. Many do not have the opportunity to hear and respond personally to the gospel. Few are being discipled to be strong in their faith, or prepared for service long after graduation.
IFES has been responding to this need since 1947, building from work in 10 countries to more than 180 today. We are committed to investing in students themselves as the best people to witness to Christ on campus. To equip them, we plant and support biblical, indigenous and sustainable student movements, so that they can thrive and reach more students.
Faithful and generous graduates like you have allowed generations of students to be transformed by the gospel. Thank you!
Since 1947, Christian students – you may have been one of them – have been equipped by the previous generation to reach out on campus, to disciple the next generation and to build a foundation for lives of integrity and faithfulness to God. Many student generations have passed since then, each leaving a legacy in the lives of the students who followed them. Your faithful support has taken Christian student ministry to new campuses, cities and countries. Inspired by the experience of those who went before them, or those in other countries, students have started new Bible study groups and graduates have returned home or moved overseas to pioneer new movements. God has blessed this work through the generosity of his people, with supporters like you all over the world praying and giving in love to see each new generation of students reached. Thank you for standing with those generations.
Will you stand with the ones yet to come?

I declare your power to the next generation,
your mighty acts to all who are to come.
Psalm 71:18
Your partnership – decades of impact
As we celebrate 75 years of steady ministry growth, our measure of student ministry success is not based solely on student or national movement numbers, but also on the impact that graduates have in the decades after graduation. By God’s grace, and with your support, not only will we see student numbers and national movement numbers grow, but we will also see thousands of graduates shining for Christ in workplaces, families, communities and churches.
A gift in your will can help new generations of students experience God’s love
As much as has been accomplished – there is more still do to. As more universities open, and more students matriculate, campuses, cities and even some countries still have no Christian witness. Each new generation needs support from previous generations, and with the projected growth of the world’s student population, there is a huge opportunity to reach more students for Christ, to teach more students to love God’s Word and to empower more students to lead.
Please join us to meet the growing need to connect and serve each generation of students.
What COULD your gift do?
A gift in your will to equip students to thrive in witness
“I had the opportunity to attend an IFES Eurasia online training called “Evangelism through Instastories”. I liked it so much that we organised this training on Zoom for two student groups. In “If Jesus had Instagram” we considered the biggest problem on social networks – ‘fakeness’ – through the prism of the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. We also analysed the stages of creating and publishing stories on Instagram so as to enter into conversations with an unbelieving friend to tell them about Christ. Immediately during the meeting the students shared ideas on how they could use their Instagram account for evangelism.”
Katya, CSC Moldova staff
Stories like this are multiplied around the globe. Your support will allow IFES to make the best evangelistic resources available worldwide to see more Christian students share their faith and more seeking students meet with Jesus Christ as they study God’s word.
A gift in your will to empower students to thrive in whole-life commitment
FOCUS Sri Lanka students were inspired by IFES World Student Day to serve their communities, and so they began working with local church leaders in the eastern region of Sri Lanka. Their research led to a series of suicide prevention presentations in churches and secondary schools. The students could not believe that their simple idea had actually made an impact. “We learned how we should do more for our future society, how to reveal God in identifying and dealing with social problems, and how we can help society as Christians.”
Your support will build on these foundations, training and inspiring new generations of students to think, to question the world that surrounds them, bring Christian values to their workplaces and families, and serve their communities sacrificially.
A gift in your will to help student ministry thrive on new ground
Daniel Bourdanné, IFES General Secretary 2007-2019“IFES is a truly international network, but there are still many cities and campuses with no Christian student witness. Now is the time for us to push out our boundaries, to step out in faith and prayer to break new ground for the kingdom”
In 2019, Pablo Galaz became the pioneering staff worker based in Punta Arenas in Chilean Patagonia, a four-hour flight from Santiago or a three-hour drive from the Argentinian border. Initially, he spent much of his time driving long distances across Chilean and Argentinian Patagonia, helping pastors and leaders understand the value of student ministry through workshops and teaching. Now he is investing in student leaders in-person and online, modelling evangelism and discipleship, and training them to serve and lead.
Because we believe that every student should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus, IFES continues to pioneer new student ministries in unreached campuses, cities and countries. Your support will help Pablo and thousands of others like him, seeking new opportunities to tell students about Jesus and passionate to see fresh gospel shoots in hard ground.

A gift in your will to allow IFES to thrive into the future:
When you leave a gift in your will to IFES, you are giving to vital initiatives that support and train students and staff to make a difference for the kingdom. You are helping to offer opportunities movements would not be able to deliver on their own. These initiatives cover many facets of student ministry, such as engaging with Scripture, supporting graduates to live for Christ in the workplace, developing student leaders, and building sustainable movements. Students and staff benefit from the training, resources, grants, and programs that these initiatives provide to movements.
IFES Scripture Engagement eLearning course participant from GBU Italy“Seeing the passion of the Psalmist of Psalm 119 for the Word convicted me – I want this passion and want students to be like that. Many students come from a Christian background; they forget what the Word is about – I want to help students think about their convictions.”
What will your legacy be?
These stories testify to how the work of IFES is transforming the lives of students worldwide and impacting society for the glory of God. Alone, we cannot fulfil our aim to see a vibrant Christian witness in every university in the world. We need people like you who share our vision to partner with us. Through prayer and financial support in life and by leaving a gift in your will, you are showing love to generations of students and helping ensure the future of student ministry.
With your support and by God’s grace, we will thrive together as a global fellowship – more students will hear about Christ, more students will be discipled and trained for lifelong faithfulness, and more national movements will be pioneered, supported and strengthened. Thank you for this incredible gift.

Writing a will can seem complex and confusing, but it does not have to be. You can find answers to some common questions in our legacy leaflet, or by contacting our team.
We understand that making a will is a very private matter, but we would be delighted to hear from you to answer any specific questions about IFES ministry or leaving a legacy, or simply so that we can thank you for your care for student ministry.
If you are in the USA, you can call us with any questions about estate planning at +1608 348 6234, or by email at supporter.relations.usa@ifesworld.org
If you are outside the USA, Jill Bain and the IFES Supporter Relations team can be contacted on +44 (0) 1865 263777, or by email at supporter.relations@ifesworld.org