Liberia: Open doors for planting on a new campus
It was an ambitious plan: to start a new student group on an unreached campus in one week, with a team consisting of just 13 LIFES Liberia students, staff and volunteers. But when they arrived on the campus, it was clear that the Lord had already prepared the way for them.
The dean of students enthusiastically allowed them on campus and they paired up to start asking students if they would be interested in joining a Christian group. Some professors even allowed them to make announcements in class.
Liz and Becky got chatting to student Emmanuel. Becky asked him: “What do you want God to do for you?” and he replied: “I want to be transformed. I want to be like you two – going around and talking with my friends about Jesus.” Within minutes Emmanuel was walking around with Liz and Becky, sharing the vision of LIFES and inviting his peers into this new fellowship.
The next day at the launch meeting, Emmanuel and another 100 students showed up! After an introduction to LIFES by the General Secretary, these 100 students broke into small groups and experienced an inductive Bible study led by students. On the third day, students like Emmanuel who had expressed interest in serving as leaders gathered for the first of many leadership trainings.
- Praise God for the boldness of this movement in seeking to plant on new campuses, and for the open doors they found at the university.
- Pray for Emmanuel and the other 100 students to stay committed to evangelism and discipleship, prayer and Bible study.
- Pray for the LIFES staff members, travelling for hours between twelve campuses on bad roads. Pray for their safety, stamina and effectiveness in ministry.
- Praise God for four new staff members who joined the LIFES team at the end of 2018. Pray for Moses, the General Secretary, as he leads the small team.
Thanks for praying with us!