Got more questions about Global Generosity Day? Here are some frequently asked questions.
If your question isn’t here, you can get in contact with us at hello@ifesworld.org.
What are the different ways I could give?
To give online by credit or debit card in U.S. dollars, euros, or pounds, go here. To give over the phone, see here. To give a gift another way, please see here.
If you are in Canada, go here and search for IFES – Global Generosity Day.
In Malaysia you may prefer to donate to the IFES fund held by FES Malaysia:
Public Bank
Name: Fellowship of Evangelical Students Malaysia
Account Number: 321 399 5930
In South Korea you may prefer to donate to the IFES fund held by IVF Korea:
국민은행 032901-04-088040
예금주: 사) 한국기독학생회
After sending your donation, please email your name, ID number, and phone number to finance@ivf.or.kr.
Who do I contact for questions or issues with my giving?
If you experience any difficulty in making your online gift, or have questions about giving in a different way, please contact us at:
+44 1865 263577
How does my gift contribute to the overall total needed for these projects?
To fully fund all the featured projects, we need to raise over 120,000 USD. On Global Generosity Day, our goal is to stand together, as one global fellowship, to empower the students reaching students worldwide. Every gift, no matter how large or small, sends a message to students everywhere seeking to live faithfully for Jesus: you are not alone.
Where does my gift for Global Generosity Day go if the funding for all of the projects has already been raised?
Our featured projects are examples of the work that we can make happen together, but much more is happening than we can profile in one day! There are many other initiatives planned for 2022 that still require funding that we haven’t chosen to feature for Global Generosity Day, so any additional gifts we receive today will be directed to similar projects in other parts of the world. No matter what, your donation will empower students who are seeking to live faithfully for Jesus in their universities.
Can I give to a specific project?
Your gift will have the greatest impact by giving to the unique Global Generosity Day fund. This will support all ten projects while ensuring that no project receives more funding than it can actually use.
However, if you still wish to specify your support for a particular project, you can do this in the Comments section during the online giving project.
How does IFES use my gift?
Over 80% of every donation goes directly to our programs and ministry costs. Below is a breakdown of these costs.

We are registered with the United Kingdom’s Fundraising Regulator and accredited by ECFA, Guidestar, and Charity Navigator.
How can I get updates about the project after Global Generosity Day?
The main way that we keep our supporters updated on the Global Generosity Day projects—and other incredible ways that God is at work in the lives of students across the globe—is on social media (via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter), in Prayerline, and on our online community, IFES Connect.
How much/how little can I give?
We welcome any gift you feel led to give! Our goal on Global Generosity Day is to stand together as a fellowship. Every gift, large or small, sends a message to students everywhere seeking to live faithfully for Jesus: you are not alone.
What if I can’t give at this time?
Today is about solidarity, and there are many other ways that you can stand with the world’s students:
- Pray with us today for God’s provision for these projects, and visit the Pray page to see how you can keep praying all year round for students worldwide.
- Share your favourite project on the social media channel of your choice, to let others know of the amazing work that God is doing in the world’s universities.
- Visit IFES Connect to leave a message of encouragement for students near and far.