Annual Report 2023-2024



… your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

PSALM 139:14

Dear friend,
It was thrilling to be in that packed room, joining together in worship with hundreds of students and staff from over 160 countries. IFES World Assembly 2023 was truly uplifting. But time and again what I find even more inspiring are my individual encounters. I chatted with remarkable students who were facing adversity with unwavering faith. Despite detainment, questioning, and even kidnapping, their reliance on God shines brightly. It’s these students – and the many thousands like them around the world – that you’re supporting as you partner with IFES. I hope you’re encouraged to read how movements from Africa and Europe partnered to share the gospel with hundreds of students, how students in Eurasia had their ideas of friendship and leadership shaped by the Word, how staff and students in Latin America re-pioneered campus ministry after the pandemic.

Tim Adams speaking at World Assembly 2023

And through the initiatives mentioned and numbers reported, I invite you to see the individual students who God has fearfully and wonderfully made. Let’s give thanks to the One who wrote in his book all the days ordained for them and us. For he is the one who nourishes each and every heart with living water so that we can thrive together in our walk with Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Tim Adams,
IFES General Secretary


In IFES – as students, staff, and supporters – we hold a shared vision: students thriving together in Jesus.

As communities of disciples, they’re being transformed by the gospel. They’re impacting the university, the church, and society for the glory of Christ. Locally, nationally, and globally.

To realise this vision, we connect and nurture locally led student movements in over 180 countries and territories. We remain committed to seeing a faithful student witness established in every university in the world so that every student hears about Jesus.

Since 2022, four Thriving Together priorities have been guiding and shaping ministry across the fellowship. It’s been heartening this year to see progress in all four areas – thriving in witness, thriving in whole-life commitment, thriving on new ground, and thriving into the future.

Whether through grassroots ministry, faithful prayer, or generous donations, we’re deeply thankful for all who participated in what God’s done through IFES. Read on for testimonies of a global fellowship that’s thriving together.

Exploring life, asking questions, and seeking truths – university students are at a formative period in their lives. It’s vital they hear the good news of Jesus and see his relevance to their lives. This year, outreach programs and training events have continued to encourage and equip students to share their faith.

ACTS 1:8


Fellowship between the IFES movements in Ghana (GHAFES) and Germany (SMD) resulted in a week-long mission at the University of Ghana (March 2023) being run, along with other ministry partners.

Through drama, door-to-door visits around halls of residence, lunchtime topical talks, personal testimonies, and evening Bible talks, it was estimated that over 67,000 people (students and non-students) heard the gospel, with around 1,250 of those making a first-time commitment or rededication to Christ.



The gospel is good news for every aspect of life and all spheres of society. This year, we’ve continued to facilitate the growth of students, graduates, and staff as fully committed followers of Christ.

They have been helped to live an integrated faith, leading and serving well in their communities, and boldly facing the challenges of their contexts – in the university and beyond.



Through the first half of 2023, IFES East Asia’s Thinking Theologically Group – in conjunction with Engaging the University Global Resource Ministry – ran a series of webinars called Faith and Culture.

It allowed this diverse region to celebrate its literature, art and identity – and reflect on it from a biblical perspective.

Yuya Shimada from KGK Japan considered What are the beauty and ugliness of manga and anime? How can we find Christ in them? Then, Jonathan Chan, a poet and writer based in Singapore, explored Faith and Art, looking at how Christian artists can navigate that dual identity. Finally, Culture, Globalization & Love of Country was led by Melba Maggay, President of Micah Global (a network helping churches support the UN Sustainable Development Goals).



For IFES, engaging with Scripture remains central to whole-life discipleship. In the last year, IFES Caribbean produced The Artistic Bible Study Method. The goal is for participants to respond to a Bible passage using multiple senses and from different perspectives in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of the text.

Having considered several foundational study questions, participants express their understanding of the passage through a drawing. Everybody can then share and explain their artwork and discuss which drawings and interpretations helped them. The IFES Scripture Engagement team have highlighted this resource for use across the fellowship.

Jean-Davy Frair (staff, CARIFES Guadeloupe)

We’re delighted that IFES now includes 164 affiliated national movements. But there are still countries, territories, subregions, and a multitude of campuses, without a student witness, where Christian students are isolated and non-Christian students are unreached. This year, with support from IFES and national movement staff, students and volunteers have planted and nurtured new groups and movements.

JOHN 4:35



I want to get more involved … to read the Bible because we’re all touched by it.

Erwin (student, New Caledonia)


Building trust with churches and organisations is vital for thriving on new ground – especially in fragile contexts. PFES Pakistan are seeking to plant new groups in four cities.

IFES support enables staff from Karachi to periodically visit a city near the Afghan border to deepen ties with church leaders and meet students. In some churches, they’ve been invited to train students on how to lead small group Bible studies.

After a year of laying this groundwork, PFES hopes to appoint volunteer staff to consolidate the ministry.

To carry our calling into the next generation of students, IFES is promoting a healthy network of sustainable movements, marked by Christian integrity and accountability. This year, ongoing support from IFES Global Resource Ministries such as Governance Development and Indigenous Support Development was supplemented by significant regional and global events that strengthened ties and built resilience across the fellowship.



It was a time to reflect and reunite to be resourced and refreshed. In August 2023, 845 participants from 162 countries gathered in Indonesia for the quadrennial IFES World Assembly. Students, staff, and guests arrived out of difficult contexts.

Most were still feeling the repercussions of COVID-19, and many were facing persecution, dealing with ministry disappointments, or living in political turmoil. The diverse program ministered to their needs under the theme tabah dan tangguh – Indonesian words meaning resolute and resilient.

Future ministry was also oriented by sessions of the IFES General Committee – the mechanism that guides IFES vision and business. Delegates from member movements considered and voted on motions raised in 2019, elected a new board, and accepted four movements for affiliation.

One of those movements was from a sensitive country in the Middle East. Its delegates relayed the hostilities they’d faced for following Christ – a testimony that deeply impacted delegates.

Bible expositions in the Psalms encouraged honest lament, persevering trust, and buoyant praise.

Seminars enabled movements to share experiences and gain advice on topics such as pioneering new movements, ethical leadership, and good governance.

Evening sessions addressed contemporary issues: the changing nature of university, environmental concerns, mental health issues, the call for justice, and the importance of arts and creativity.

Small groups provided personal and ministry support, and conversations over dinner and around the conference centre forged new friendships

Gatherings of national movements in regional meetings allowed them to share news, plan joint initiatives, and further connections and partnerships.


Ezéchiel Baroum Kongdi, (General Secretary, UJC Chad)


During 2023, we had the joy of seeing how the resources entrusted to us can equip the fellowship at all levels – local, national, regional, and global.

These increases reflect the extra funds required for World Assembly 2023. We were delighted that so many donors supported the World Assembly Scholarship fund. Gifts and grants totalling over $400,000 enabled delegates from most participating national movements to attend this strategic global gathering.

We were also blessed by a very generous legacy. This will give a significant boost to our financial resilience as we plan to use a portion of it over 10 years – by giving grants to national movements that have set Thriving Together goals as well as by funding organisational capacity building within IFES.

This financial report reflects our combined operations based on the audited financial statements for IFES and IFES/USA, as well as the independently examined financial statements for IFES Switzerland. The financial statements for IFES entities – based in the UK, USA, and Switzerland – are available upon request.


We thank God for you. Your faith in Christ and love for all students has enabled us to thrive together.

Whether you prayed, volunteered, or donated in 2023, we recognise that many sacrifices are represented within your support. So, a heartfelt thank you!

Your prayers and gifts have helped students and staff thrive together this year: “Faith and actions working together” (James 2:22).

Lakina at World Assembly
FES Singapore group
Global Leadership Initiative (current cohort)

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Prayer impacts situations. Prayer moves hearts and changes lives. Prayer allows us to discern God’s leading and receive his grace and strength for ministry. We want prayer to saturate everything we do. So, please pray. Inspire and inform your intercessions with our resources at, where you can sign up for our bi-weekly Prayerline and find out more about praying on World Student Day.


Find out more about IFES and stay in the loop. In addition to the rich information on our website and up- to-the-minute posts on Facebook/ Instagram, you can now receive regular updates by following our WhatsApp channel. Also, view and subscribe to our YouTube channel for compelling content – including talks from World Assembly 2023. Direct any specific enquiries to


Without generous partners like you, our reach would be far less extensive. Regular gifts are especially helpful, as they enable us to plan well for the future. You can set up or increase your monthly gift and find out about leaving a gift in your will, at


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