Informe Anual 2022-23

La provisión de Dios, la colaboración global y la oración

La provisión de Dios, la colaboración global y la oración

Queridos amigos:

“¡El Señor literalmente iba delante de nosotros!”

El secretario regional estaba desbordante de entusiasmo mientras me hablaba de su reciente visita a un país pionero. Para empezar un nuevo grupo estudiantil, se requiere una persona comprometida que trabaje en el sitio y habíamos estado orando durante mucho tiempo y buscando a una persona así, pero sin éxito. Pero hace poco, Dios hizo que ocurriera una serie de acontecimientos milagrosos y conocimos a un antiguo estudiante de IFES que se había mudado desde otro país a este. Al final de la visita, cinco creyentes decidieron servir en el comité para trabajar en la obra pionera del movimiento. Decidieron realizar nuestro programa de formación de comités, en el que trabajaron juntos para crear una visión, misión y valores centrales, ¡y planificaron para los próximos tres meses!

Me encanta cómo refleja esta historia lo que hay en el centro de IFES: la importancia de la oración paciente, la prioridad de la misión, la forma en la que la comunidad global nos llevó a conocer a un buen contacto y cómo la capacitación de la gobernanza sirvió de base para un nuevo movimiento nacional. También me recuerda lo valioso que es estar juntos.

Tim y el equipo regional de EPSA visitan NIFES Nigeria

Durante el último año han tenido lugar en la comunidad muchas reuniones en persona que tanto anhelábamos. Después de dos años difíciles, muchos de nuestros líderes de movimiento nacional estaban funcionando con el “depósito vacío”. Necesitaban el cuidado, el ánimo, la comunión y la capacitación que pueden recibir de sus redes de IFES. Esta oleada de encuentros también ha ayudado a los obreros de IFES a fortalecer su relación con los líderes nacionales y a entender mejor cómo IFES puede suplir sus necesidades en unos contextos de ministerio que cambian tan rápidamente.

En el 75º aniversario de IFES, me acuerdo de cómo han ido resurgiendo durante los años los temas de la provisión de Dios, la colaboración global y la oración. A medida que miramos hacia el futuro, estamos profundamente convencidos de que es el momento de renovar nuestro compromiso unos con otros a medida que oramos y trabajamos juntos para traer la esperanza y la luz de Cristo a los estudiantes de todo el mundo. Esta es la sinergia que inspiró el crecimiento inicial de IFES y creo que ahí es donde Dios se encontrará con nosotros a medida que trabajamos con Él en la buena obra que ha preparado para nosotros.

Gracias por unirte a nosotros en oración por esta obra. Confío en que, al leer este informe, te emocionarás al ver cómo Dios está obrando en la vida de los estudiantes y cómo podemos seguir ayudando juntos a que nuestros ministerios locales y nacionales crezcan.

En Cristo:

Tim Adams 
Secretario General de IFES

“El Señor mismo marchará al frente de ti y estará contigo; nunca te dejará ni te abandonará. No temas ni te desanimes”.

Deuteronomio 31:8 (NVI)

Creciendo juntos

Nuestra Visión y Prioridades

Our vision is to see students thriving together as communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel, and impacting the university, the church, and society for the glory of Christ.

IFES moldea las vidas y desarrolla a los líderes estudiantiles del mundo. Brindamos apoyo a movimientos liderados por estudiantes locales en más de 180 países y territorios distintos y estamos comprometidos con ver el testimonio estudiantil establecido en todas las universidades del mundo. Esperamos que en la década de 2020 Dios nos ayude a crecer juntos en nuestro llamado como comunidad global.

Nuestra estrategia de Creciendo juntos, que tiene cuatro líneas, se lanzó en febrero de 2022, después de pasar más de dos años realizando una consulta muy amplia y escuchando la voz de Dios para guiarnos. La estrategia identificó la necesidad de aumentar la colaboración y de llevar a cabo nuevos enfoques, y de centrarnos en la transformación y el impacto. Las cuatro prioridades estratégicas que guiarán nuestro trabajo hasta 2030 serán las siguientes: Crecer en testimonio, Crecer en el compromiso de por vida, Crecer en nuevos terrenos y Crecer hacia el futuro.

Queremos ser una comunidad unida en su visión y misión, con una infraestructura adecuada que facilite conexiones fructíferas a lo largo y ancho de nuestra red global. Queremos compartir nuestros dones, recursos y experiencia unos con otros, mejorar nuestra colaboración, fortalecer nuestra creatividad y, por la gracia de Dios, ayudarnos mutuamente a crecer juntos.  

Crecer en testimonio

El ámbito educativo ofrece una oportunidad única para que los jóvenes exploren nuevas ideas y conozcan a gente de diferentes trasfondos. Para algunos podría ser la única oportunidad que tienen de escuchar el evangelio. Nuestro trabajo inspira y capacita a los cristianos a compartir el evangelio de forma eficaz y con resiliencia al enfrentarse a las dificultades.

“Pero, cuando venga el Espíritu Santo sobre ustedes, recibirán poder y serán mis testigos tanto en Jerusalén como en toda Judea y Samaria, y hasta los confines de la tierra”.

Hechos 1:8

Este año hemos reunido a estudiantes, líderes y obreros, más allá de las fronteras internacionales, para animarse mutuamente en el testimonio cristiano, compartiendo diálogo, formación y adoración.

Un “anticipo del cielo” en África francófona

300 líderes estudiantiles, obreros y graduados de 19 movimientos nacionales se reunieron en el congreso de PANAF (Panafricaine) en Burundi, para tener comunión, compartir experiencias, adquirir nuevas habilidades y renovar su visión del testimonio.

“Fue un anticipo del cielo, con tantas tribus distintas adorando juntas. A veces nos sentimos como si fuéramos los únicos… que estamos haciendo esto. Mi fe se ve fortalecida al saber que somos una familia que trabaja junta”.

Odette, líder estudiantil, GBEEN Níger

Compartir perspectivas de todos los rincones del mundo

Unos cien obreros de todas las regiones de IFES viajaron a Indianápolis, EE.UU., para compartir historias con miles de estudiantes de América del Norte en el encuentro de Urbana 2022. Fue una oportunidad de ampliar sus propias perspectivas y las de los estudiantes de InterVarsity/USA, InterVarsity Canadá y GBUC Canadá y los participantes fueron inspirados a considerar el papel que Dios tiene para cada uno de ellos en el mundo.

Estudiantes de muchos puntos de la región del Pacífico Sur pudieron asistir al encuentro nacional de formación, National Training Event (NTE) de AFES Australia, para escuchar la Palabra de Dios, compartir juntos y considerar cómo Dios podría usarlos en su historia global. Después del encuentro, los estudiantes de TSCF Papúa Nueva Guinea llevaron a cabo una serie de actividades evangelísticas en colaboración con una iglesia local de Australia.

Estudiantes de TSCF Papúa Nueva Guinea en el NTE de Australia

Dar testimonio a la comunidad científica

LCI Latin America training workshop in Chile

One major block for many students is the perceived conflict between science and faith. As part of our Engaging the University ministry, the Logos and Cosmos Initiative (LCI) supports projects fostering dialogue between theology and the sciences, in Latin America and Francophone Africa.  In 2022, 23 new Christian academic “catalysts” joined the 18 qualifying to lead their projects for another year.

A training workshop in Burundi allowed catalysts to renew their vision and hear from eminent regional scholars, and a similar gathering was held in Chile for Latin American catalysts.

Thriving in Whole-Life Commitment

The educational setting presents a unique opportunity for young people to explore new ideas and meet people from different backgrounds. It may be the only opportunity for some to hear the gospel. Our work inspires and equips Christians to reach out effectively and with resilience in the face of challenges.

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”

Philippians 1:27

Peer support in Europe


A supportive online community has developed among participants of the IFES Europe Formación leadership trainingprogram, following the in-person launch of a new cohort in July 2022 in Poland. Formación continues for ten months as the 37 students and nine community group leaders continue to meet online.

“It is wonderful to know I can truly rely on this community, who live far away from each other but are closely connected through the Spirit.”

Anna, Formación launch conference participant, MEKDSZ (Hungary)

Emerging leaders in the Middle East

Nearly 200 staff and students from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region gathered for a long-awaited in-person conference designed to equip young graduates for leadership. Many commented on how encouraging it was to hear about the joys and struggles of the other movements in the region.

«I was encouraged to hold tight onto Jesus even though I came struggling with many big issues. I saw how important it was for students to study the Bible in small groups and I want to learn more about how to do this and lead others.”

A participating student (from a MENA country)

Developing women leaders in South Asia 

Popular training and events for developing women in leadership were hosted by the regional Women@IFESSA, with a focus on spiritual gifts.

Impact in the workplace

The Graduate Impact resource ministry helps young graduates learn to think, speak, and live distinctively for Jesus in the workplace. In 2022, it launched the online and in-person Transition course for those preparing for work. Around 80 students across Eurasia have already used it, as have students in Latin America.

Graduate Impact also conducts the Cross-Current discipleship program, helping young adults connect faith and work through local or profession-based learning communities. In 2022, groups met in 19 cities in 15 countries in Eurasia, Europe, and Latin America.

Thriving on New Ground

As Tim Adams’ introduction illustrates, God so often answers our prayers by harnessing relationships nurtured over years to open up new avenues for our work – leading students to live with and for Jesus. That includes areas where Christian witness is forbidden, absent or struggling. This year:

  • students in three Eurasian nations were inspired to boldly share the gospel in their own homes when a team (of mostly students) travelled to a sensitive country to offer inspirational training based on the book of Acts.
  • foundations for growth were laid in Equatorial Guinea, Cabo Verde and Namibia, where boards of trustees were established or re-established.
  • four new student-led groups were launched in Martinique, where religion in educational settings is banned, after a call from IFES Caribbean regional secretary Marc Pulvar in August to pray and fast.
  • the first ever dedicated staff member began working in a sensitive country in East Asia. 

“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35

“I don’t want to waste time… I will be direct and just share the gospel… I am really surprised about where my courage has come from.”  

A student (from a closed Eurasian country)

Thriving into the future

As we’ve celebrated our 75th anniversary this year, we’ve looked back in gratitude and forwards in trust, seeking fruit from the emphases that have provided such incredible impact so far: evangelism, discipleship, leadership development and Scripture.

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established.”

Proverbs 24:3

Growing in effectiveness

By instilling well-structured, God-honoring governance practices our Governance Development team seeks to empower a well-equipped and motivated general secretary, high-performing staff, and thriving student groups. In its 10th anniversary year a fifth e-course, Caring for your General Secretary, enhanced its training provision.

Growing in resilience

We recognise that both national staff and student leaders need resilience to face a wide range of growing challenges in ministry. Throughout 2022, various parts of the fellowship were preparing diligently for World Assembly 2023, to be held in August in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our theme will be Tabah dan Tangguh: Witnesses in the University and Beyond. Tabah and Tangguh are two Indonesian words which together suggest strength, resilience, like that well-watered tree of Psalm 1.

Growing in partnership

We see staff wellbeing – in all our structures – as critical to the ability of our ministry to thrive. One practical outworking was the latest East Asia Staff Conference when over 200 representatives from 16 national movements enjoyed time together in Malaysia in December. Equally important is fostering healthy partnerships, for example, the national leaders’ consultation in South Pacific, when General Secretaries from Australia, Fiji, Guam, New Caledonia, New Zealand, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu came together for the first time to unite around a regional strategy.

Growing in depth

Our Scripture Engagement team continues to provide an invaluable, biblically-infused perspective to the global fellowship. This year they developed the new Foundations of Scripture Engagement e-learning course and facilitated in-person regional training in South Asia, EPSA, and Latin America.

“It was simply amazing to see the fellowship and sharing in small groups, and moments of personal encounter with our LORD Emmanuel”
David Ho, General Secretary, FES (Malaysia)

Staff from KGK Japan with Annette Arulrajah, outgoing IFES East Asia Regional Secretary, at the East Asia Staff Conference


The General Secretary is appointed to oversee and lead IFES ministry, supported by the Associate General Secretaries, Chief Operating Officer, and Head of Global Resource Ministries. This team takes responsibility for developing and sharing priorities and resources across the globe. All senior staff were able to reconnect in Kenya, in person, for the first time since 2019.

In 2022 we gave thanks for former Associate General Secretary, Martin Haizmann (Germany), who retired after 20 years of service as an IFES senior staff member.

Leadership Team

Board of Trustees

The Board is responsible for creating policy and ensuring doctrinal integrity within IFES. It too met in person for the first time since 2019. The Board also launched a review of IFES governance structures, involving worldwide consultation: a useful process that will strengthen and improve the workings of our governance bodies.


IFES regional secretaries help us understand how best to respond to the diverse, dynamic cultures of the world’s universities. They provide mentoring, supervision and training for staff and students. They also connect movements within their region to share ideas, expertise, and encouragement.

In the last year we appointed Lisman Komaladi as the new Regional Secretary for East Asia.  




During 2022, we were able to build on the post-pandemic recovery which began in 2021. This included financial support for our regional and global ministries equipping national movements to develop godly leaders, grow local funding, pioneer new areas, and establish robust models of governance.

Charitable donations increased by 46%, and charitable expenditure by 20%.

Donations were boosted by a significant one-time gift specifically aimed at stimulating the growth and development of IFES globally, by advancing our ministry in new ways or through particular challenges.

This financial report reflects our combined operations based on the audited financial statements for IFES-UK and IFES/USA, as well as the independently examined financial statements for IFES-Switzerland. The financial statements for IFES entities – based in the UK, USA, and Switzerland – are available upon request.

IFES/USA is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, a Valued Partner with GuideStar Exchange and has a ‘Give with Confidence’ designation from Charity Navigator. In the UK, IFES is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. 


We are so grateful to everyone who supported us in 2022 through prayer, volunteering or financial giving. Many made sacrifices in order to do so, and on behalf of every student and staff member who has benefitted, we would like to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’.

“Thank you so much for supporting student work in IFES! It is such a joy to hear students and staff from national movements in Latin America discuss the challenges that surround them, to pray together, and to see them get excited about the kingdom of God and the hope that Christ brings to every context. Let us continue to pray for them!”

Gisela Muñoz Cruz, Subregional Coordinator for Spanish-speaking Caribbean, Latin America Regional team

You’re Part of the Team

Thriving in partnership

Without the living testimony of Christian students and graduates, many people might never encounter Jesus, and other believers might drift away while still young.

Without the support of national movements, hundreds of thousands of Christian students would struggle in discipleship and in confidence as witnesses.

Without the support of IFES– acting as accelerator and enabler, providing opportunities for collaboration and learning – national  movements would be slower to develop in effectiveness – or may not exist at all.

Without your support, praying for us, taking an active interest in what we do and giving financially, none of this would be possible.

Partner with us in prayer

Prayer opens us up as individuals, teams, and as a fellowship to God’s leadership, grace and power, and allows us to do our best work. Please pray with us that God will move in the hearts of students around the world and guide everything we do.

Become part of the team when you pray for us, inspired by the regular stories you’ll receive when you sign up, or by our Voices of IFES and Prayerline podcasts available wherever you like to listen.

Draw closer to our international fellowship

Experience for yourself the difference your support makes when you hear directly from our network members at the IFES World Assembly 2023. Be informed and inspired by the recorded sessions and daily highlights from this crucial gathering of 900 students and staff here, and on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Give what you can afford

Without generous partners like you, our reach would be far less extensive. Regular gifts are especially helpful, as they enable us to plan well for the future. You can set up or increase your monthly gift at  

With you, we will keep moving towards our vision of seeing a thriving student witness on every campus in the world. We are driven by the gospel and sustained by a Savior who brings hope to the university. Thank you for praying, connecting, and giving with us as we continue this mission.

Further reports