Anna’s caught the vision

CSC, the IFES movement in Moldova, has been praying for the city of Tiraspol for some time. There was no IFES ministry there at all until August last year, when they started exploring pioneering opportunities. Through contact with two supportive churchesCSC were able to meet a few Christian students interested in forming a group. 

One of those students is Anna. CSC Moldova encouraged Anna to attend CCX Ukraine’s annual student conferenceSalt, in December. At Salt, Anna was able to meet with other student leaders passionate about sharing Jesus with their friendsShe learned how to lead a Bible study. She felt challenged to invite her non-Christian friends back in Tiraspol to read the Bible with her – and they agreed! 

Since coming back from Salt, Anna has been sharing the vision with her Christian friends to think missionally on campusThey’ve been learning how to use the Uncover seeker Bible studies. A group of students from her church now gather together every Saturday evening in her apartment and invite their non-Christian friends to join them. They’ve also decided to start an evangelistic book group, an initiative already tried in other cities in Moldova. 

Join us in praying for these CSC students in Tiraspol. 

  • Pray that God would use the Uncover studies, Saturday evening socials and the new book group to bring non-Christian students to know Him. 
  • Pray that CSC would become established in Tiraspol this year; pray for financial resources, committed student leaders, wisdom in navigating religious restrictions and good relationships with local churches. 

 Thanks for praying with us!